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Poliester Omega 5000m (50/3). Los hilos para coser de Omega, hechos 100% de poliéster, se fabrican en distintos calibres y presentaciones. Por su alta resistencia se utilizan para la costura de todo tipo de telas – ya sean de algodón, nylon o poliéster – y su teñido en colores firmes no se deslava.  Son altamente recomendados por los expertos para usarse en máquinas de coser.

Calibre: 50/3
Colores: Blanco (Art. 197) y 192 colores básicos (Art. 197C)
Presentación: Cono con 5,000 m. de hilo
Artículos: 197 (blanco) y 197C (colores)

Poliester Omega 5000m (50/3)

  • Omega’s sewing polyester threads are 100% made of polyester and are manufactured in different sizes and presentations. Because of their high performance, they are recommended for sewing all kinds of cloths, no matter if they are made of nylon, cotton or polyester. Their dye in fast colors does not wash out and they work perfectly on sewing machines.
    Size: 50/3
    Colors: White (Art. 197) and 160 solid colors (Art. 197C)
    Presentation: Cone with 5,000 m. (= 547 yds.) of thread
    Articles: 197 (White) and 197C (Colors)
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